The Happylands

Disconnect to Reconnect


Modern life is busy.

Busy at work.

Busy at home.

Busy, busy, busy.

With more than 7 million years of human evolution, we have spent less than 0.1% of that time living in cities. 

If you think about it, it makes total sense that nature has such a positive effect on our health.

Our minds and bodies are built to be in nature.

This six-week nature therapy and expressive arts programme helps you to slow down so you can disconnect to reconnect with what matters.


 The Programme


In each 90 minute session we will use nature to

  • Slow down

  • Unwind

  • De-stress

    With a series of mindfulness and nature connection techniques.

We will also use expressive arts, such as drawing, poetry, and eco-art to explore the themes of life.


Sol Haven Farm


Sol Haven Farm is a small permaculture farm in Northampton. It has amble parking, baby changing facilities, a ‘Zen Zone’ for nursing mothers who prefer privacy, a poly tunnel for those rainy days and of course, a cozy yurt for us to retreat to during the winter.



Dates will be added soon! If you would like to be kept up to date then please get in touch with me by clicking here.

Nature therapy

The Cost

It is £60 for the six week programme, which works out at £10 per session. This includes all refreshments and course materials such as, weekly affirmation cards and journal prompts.


How to Book

Booking is easy. Simply contact me, Carrie, by email or complete the form below and I will send you more information to confirm your place!

Where we are

Sol Haven Farm

New Manor Farm, Harvey Lane






Book your place

To book your place simply complete the form and I will send you more information, along with payment details, to confirm your place.

If you would like to discuss the programme in any way, please do reach out and contact me via email at

I would be more than happy to help!